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Boat Overview
Boat Description
The Hallberg-Rassy 42 (E) was built from 1980 until 1991 inf 255 units. She is admired for her clean flush deck and numerous boats have sailed around the globe. Well known Hallberg-Rassy 42E sailors include John Neal from the USA with "Mahina Tiare II", Rollo Gebhardt from Germany with "Solveig IV", Max Winkless from Australia, and Janne and Calle from Sweden with "Albatross". In the beginning, only the ketch rig configuration was offered. Later the sloop version was introduced and in the end almost only sloops rig 42E were built. Mast position was the same, but the sloop had a taller mast and larger genoa sheet winches. The 42 (E) is an Enderlein design and not to be confused with the Frers designed Hallberg-Rassy 42 (F) that was built between 1991 and 2001.
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